Microtherm Sentronic GmbH
Unterer Hardweg 9
75181 Pforzheim
Phone: +49 7231 787-0
Fax: +49 7231 787-155
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Karlheinz Gruber
Alexander Wirth
Roland Gubbels
- 18563282 - paragraph, © froxx -
- 84742274 - photos on the composition of the three parts for the engin, © stason4ik -
- 107435810 - network and world map on blur city..., © ekaphon -
- 114382943 - Cloud computing concept. Technology background, © samarets1984 -
- 117087689 - data, © vege -
- 123899959 - Group of office workers during meeting, © Viacheslav Iakobchuk -
- 135142977 - The measuring head CMM, © nordroden -
- 170864698 - Global business concept, © peshkova -
Court of registration: Lemgo
Register number: HRB 2869
identification number: DE 335281682
Responsible for content: Karlheinz Gruber, Alexander Wirth
Thomas Mangold & Roland Röhl GbR
Industriestr. 11
71263 Weil der Stadt
Phone: +49 7033 305769
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Il Sig. Raphael Noailles è nominato Responsabile della protezione dei dati di MICROTHERM Sentronic GmbH, Täschenwaldstr. 3, 75181 Pforzheim, Germania
Telefono: +49 7231 787-0
Fax: +49 7231 787-155
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